Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Wiki

This page provides more in-depth information of each club in Roman Academy.

Main Characters' Clubs
Name Class Club Rank/ Position Status
Hirotaka Wakamatsu 1-D Basketball Club Member (Player) Active
Chiyo Sakura 2-A Art Club Member Active
Yuzuki Seo 2-A Choir Club

Basketball Club

Member (Singer)

Member (Assistant)

Umetarou Nozaki 2-B Go-Home Club N/A -
Mikoto Mikoshiba 2-G Go-Home Club N/A -
Yuu Kashima 2-G Drama Club Member (Actor) Active
Masayuki Hori 3-C Drama Club President (Director, Stage Manager) Active

Drama Club[]



The most notable members of this club are Hori, the club president, and Kashima, the star actor. The club performs during Roman Academy's School Festival and school hours. The scripts are written by either Hori or Nozaki, and are meant for students to enjoy, often involving romance and a princely character which is performed by Kashima.

Kashima's escort

Hori kicking Kashima, probably in response to her doing something stupid

The club activities are most likely compulsory, as Hori is very strict about Kashima's attendance, even personally escorting her, and that Hori only helps Nozaki after his club activities are finished.

Drama Club's Set preparation

Hori and Sakura painting sets

The club activities include building and painting sets, preparing the stage, and rehearsals. They occasionally ask people that aren't part of the Drama Club to help, as displayed by Kashima asking her fangirls and Chiyo to assist with props, and Mikoshiba to fill in for an actor.


GSNK Hori's acting

Hori's exceptional acting skills

Hori had initially been an actor; however, after meeting Kashima and believing her to be the perfect lead role material, he now focuses on directing and building sets. Kashima is the main actress of the plays but frequently skips club practice. Although Hori is considered an exceptional actor by many, he believes that background construction and carpentry is more his forte.

The Drama Club members are close with each other. They host club retreats during vacation (Chapters 45, 46, and 47), have collectively visited Kashima's workplace in Chapter 74, and tend to play with the costumes while Hori is not around.

They show a lot of dedication to their activities. They have rehearsals even during short vacations, and do improv even when it is not club hours. They know that Kashima aims for Hori's recognition as "his best underclassman", and that Hori is very close with Kashima.

Art Club[]


Art Club Interior

Interior of the Art Club

The Art Club consists of Chiyo and a few other unnamed characters. The club's activities are not compulsory, as Chiyo does not attend every day, and often attends when she doesn't need to help out with Nozaki's manga. The club's activities mostly consist of sketching and creating posters to stick on billboards around Roman Academy, as Chiyo had drawn a watercolor poster near a tap. This was also why Nozaki had initially been interested in her skills.

Members of the Art Club

Members of the Art Club, excluding Mikoshiba

They tend to sketch either still life or request someone to model, as Chiyo had done with Mikoshiba, and the members use specific instructions for the designated model to pose. When having someone model for them, the Art Club tends to use the process of a set where the model poses for 10 minutes and then takes a break for 5 minutes. Intrigued by poses the Art Club had sketched, as he could used them as references for his manga, Nozaki had wanted to join the Art Club, but Chiyo said that they didn't do sketching every day, defeating his intention to join the club.


Though male members can be found within the background of the anime, Chapter 86 states that there are no men in the club. Nozaki finds the members "weird" due to their odd interests and obsession with art.

Chiyo specializes in watercolor and has shown interest in oil pastel. Her art style is realistic; however, she struggles with anatomy and cannot draw poses without direct reference. She is also unskilled in drawing backgrounds, although Hori has given her a few lessons before.

The members are aware of Sakura and Nozaki's friendship but are oblivious to her romantic feelings for him. They find their relationship more notable due to their large height difference. When Nozaki visited the club searching for Sakura, the club president commended his sculpting skills, and some of the club members thought that he may be Sakura's boyfriend.

Choir Club[]


The Little Mermaid of Roman Academy

The Little Mermaid of Roman Academy

The most notable member of the Choir Club is Seo. The club's activities are not compulsory, as Seo often goes to other sports clubs during the week, and the clubroom is often empty as depicted by both the manga and anime.

The Choir Club participates in competitions. Seo's official profile states that she does not attend practice for half of the week, going to other sports clubs instead, but attends every day when a competition is near. When they attend competitions, the other members give Seo a makeover and make sure that she stays silent, only singing when necessary. She is therefore known as "The Little Mermaid of Roman Academy" by other schools, as she appears to be a high-class and proper lady.

Because Wakamatsu falls asleep whenever he hears Lorelei's voice, rumors that anyone walking down the hall near the clubroom will faint have spread around the school as a ghost story.



Choir Club's Lorelei

Seo is labled as "The Choir Club's Lorelei" because of her amazing singing. The club mainly consists of girls, although there may also be male members. Seo and the members are fully aware that Seo is Lorelei, but hide this fact for fun. For instance, when Hori had gone to ask the Choir Club who Lorelei was, he had forgotten his original purpose most likely due to their noncompliance.

In some translations, the Choir Club may also be known as the Glee Club.

Basketball Club[]

Female Basketball Team[]

Female basketball club members

Members comforting each other

The female basketball team is very cooperative with each other, but the rationale to this is most likely due to Seo's presence and playing style. The female members occasionally request for her help so they can get used to playing against uncooperative, unrelenting opponents. During this time, members tend to admit their own faults and are comforted by the other members, strengthening their cooperativeness, morale, and teamwork.

They do not allow Seo to participate in the Basketball events of the Sports Festival, because they fear being disqualified due to Seo's fouls.

Male Basketball Team[]

Basketball Club running from Seo

People running away from Seo

Wakamatsu is among their youngest starter players. Seo often interrupts them during practice, playing very aggressively to the point that members start running away from the ball. During meetings, the members often try to create methods that will calm Seo down or stop her from coming to their practices, as depicted by Wakamatsu's memo that briefly outlines the content of each meeting.

Basketball Club forcibly creating atmosphere

Basketball club catcalling Seo and Wakamatsu

They do not understand the relationship between Wakamatsu and Seo. At times, they assume Wakamatsu is in love with Seo because of the attention he gives her, but they also assume that he hates her because of how he is treated. They have tried to force Wakamatsu and Seo together in hopes that having a boyfriend would calm her down.

Despite her combative playing style, Seo is very close with the members, knowing each member by name and acting casual towards them. The team captain actually likes Seo's presence, because without her, the team is too carefree and does not play well.

Hori, Wakamatsu, and Nozaki tend to play basketball in Sports Festivals. Despite being a girl, Kashima is allowed to participate in the male teams of any sport, and tends to play basketball against Hori.

Go-Home Club[]

The Go-Home Club consists of Mikoshiba and Nozaki. Logically, the Go-Home Club is not a real club, but rather a term used to refer to those that aren't part of a club and go straight home when school ends.

Other Clubs[]

  • Baseball Club - Seo is shown to play with this club in Chapter 62.
  • Table Tennis Club - The Art Club members also mentioned a Table Tennis Club, whom them find very approachable.
  • Tennis Club - Tennis Club people are ranked as approachable as Basketball members, according to the Art Club.
  • Volleyball Club - Wakamatsu is seen wishing two female volleyball players luck during the Sports Festival. Kashima has played volleyball as well.
  • Soccer Club - The president of the Art Club's boyfriend is in the Soccer Club.
  • Rugby Club - Members of the Rugby Club and Soccer Club are ranked the "least approachable" by Art Club members.


  • According to a Q&A: If Mikoshiba were to pick a club based on interest, it would be the Light Music Club, as music is his elective. Realistically, however, he would choose the club with most of his friends in it. This would be the Drama Club, for Hori and Kashima.
  • Even when he was still an actor, Hori did not play lead roles. In the play that convinced Kashima to attend Roman Academy, he merely played as a secondary character, though his skills were so good that it caught everyone's attention.